Montrose Area Happenings

Real Estate Voted the Best Investment Eight Years in a Row

By KCM Team
Posted by Inactive Shanna Shepherd on February 22, 2022 in  uncategorized
In an annual Gallup poll, Americans chose real estate as the best long-term investment. And it’s not the first time it’s topped the list, either. Real estate has been on a winning streak for the past eight years, consistently gaining traction as the best long-term investment (see graph below): If you’re thinking about purchasing a home this year, this poll should reassure you. Even when inflation is rising like it is today, Americans agree an investment like real estate tr... Readmore

Abandoned Western Colorado

A Book for History Buffs
Posted by Lisa Stephenson on February 08, 2022 in  uncategorized
Abandoned Western Colorado: Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of the Rockies takes the reader on a visual voyage through the ghost towns and mining camps of the Rocky Mountains of western Colorado as seen through the eyes of author, historian and photographer, Jeff Eberle. The author has spent much of the last decade scouring the back roads, 4 x 4 trails, and footpaths of the Centennial State in a rush against time and progress to photograph the fragile remnants of Colorado's earliest days. From solitary prospector's hu... Readmore


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