Montrose Area Happenings

Please join us in welcoming Dan Mohr

We are excited to announce that Dan Mohr recently joined our Montrose Office
Posted by Inactive Margaret M. Lange on January 24, 2019 in  Montrose  New Agents  News and Announcements

Please join us in welcoming Johnny Brokaw

We are excited to announce the recent joining of Johnny Brokaw
Posted by Inactive Margaret M. Lange on January 18, 2019 in  Montrose  New Agents  News and Announcements
Johnny has had a career in communication since college.  From all that talking and listening, he would like to think that he understands all kinds of people and what makes them tick.  There is always more to learn, so he has become a “keep it real” kind of guy.  He wants to get to the meat and potatoes of what you think, what you want and what will truly make you happy.   Johnny moved to Colorado nearly 20 years ago because it is where he always knew he belonged. His wife of over 10... Readmore

Changes in the Real Estate Market in 2019

Danielle Hage
Posted by Danielle Hage on January 03, 2019 in  uncategorized
Are you curious about what the 2019 Real Estate market will look like? Housing prices have had a significant increase over the last couple of years.  In 2018 alone, there was an increase in home prices of around 5.6%, but as most people have noticed, the real estate craze started to slow down towards the end of the year.  What does this mean for 2019?  Experts are projecting that though there is a softening in the market, there will still be an increase in home prices, it will just be at a ... Readmore


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