Montrose Area Happenings

Millionaires vs. Demi-Billionaires

Wealth in 2018
Posted by Danielle Hage on September 27, 2018 in  uncategorized
In the last few years, an unprecedented rise in the number of millionaires, multi-millionaires and even demi-billionaires has led to greater fragmentation of high-net-worth and ultra high-net-worth individuals. Wealth has spread across generations, genders and borders. These individuals are diverse, and they can no longer be definedby a single persona. These shifts have created a complicated new reality for luxury real estate professionals, who want and need to reach and understand affluent clients of all... Readmore

Swanepoel Mega 1000

Posted by Danielle Hage on September 21, 2018 in  uncategorized
Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties (CBDP) proudly earned their ranking as #512 out 86,000 registered real estate brokerages nationwide in the prestigious Swanepoel Mega 1000 list.     The list was created to determine legitimate rankings and objective data in the real estate industry.  Gathering and analyzing the data was a rigorous process, with approximately 1,100 hours invested by the California-based consulting firm, T3 Sixty.  The top 1000 brokerages on the list represent the leaders ... Readmore

Declutter 101: Strategies to Cut Clutter

Posted by Lisa Stephenson on September 17, 2018 in  uncategorized
Taking aim on the household clutter problem, you've resolved to work slowly and steadily, and you've carved out blocks of time to declutter. Now what? And how? Time to consider weigh in with specific methods and strategies for decluttering. These tried-and-tested methods bring different strengths to the fight against clutter. Choose the one that's right for you and your family.Forcing Decisions: The Four-Box MethodClick here to read. ... Readmore

Mistakes Home Buyers Make

Posted by Danielle Hage on September 14, 2018 in  uncategorized
Looking to buy a home?  The process can be full of mixed emotions.  On one hand it is super exciting, and on the other, extremely stressful - especially if you aren't completely prepared and equipped for the process.  We're covering some of the most common mistakes so you can avoid them!Overextending Your BudgetWhat you qualify for and what you can comfortably afford are two different things.  It's important to add up all of your expenses, create a budget, and figure out what you can a... Readmore

Happy Birthday Coldwell Banker!

Posted by Lisa Stephenson on September 10, 2018 in  uncategorized
Coldwell Banker is 112 years old, and we’ve never looked this good! We were founded in 1906 in San Francisco after Colbert Coldwell saw unscrupulous business people taking advantage of people who were impacted by the disaster and wanted to help. We’ve stood for truly remarkable service and professionalism ever since!Happy Birthday!... Readmore


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